
Domain                          Eukarya
        Superdivision           Spermatophyta-Seed plants
            Division                     Magnoliophyta-Flowering plants
                Class                        Liliopsida-Monocotyledons
                    Order                  Liliales
                        Family            Liliaceae-Lily family
                            Genus         Colchicum
                                Species   Colchicum autumnale-autumn crocus


Any flowering plant is considered to be what is known as an Angiosperm. The characteristics of these plants are that they are vascular, they produce flowers and their seeds grow inside the ovary of the flower. There are various ways for pollination which consist of using different , ants, water, and wind. In this group the life cycle involves alternation of generation, where the sporophyte generation is diploid and the gametophyte generation is haploid. The spores are relatively small when compared next to the gametophytes and each one is located on a separate individual.

Domain: Eukarya

As opposed to prokaryotes, eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles as well as a true nucleus. They have the capability of being multicellular and therefore developing more complexity. It includes plants and animals, but also the lesser known protists.

 Kingdom: Plantae-Plants

The plants are many celled organisms that have cell walls made of cellulose. They get their energy from the sun which is a characteristic also true for the green algae (a protist). Plants and green algae were thought to be under the same kingdom Plantae, but now people are starting to argue that they are, in fact, different. So there is a new kingdom called Viridiplantae. This Kingdom also contains the Rhododendron.

Superdivision: Spermatophyta- Seed plants

 ‘A phylum embracing the highest plants, or those that produce seeds; the seed plants, or flowering plants. They form the most numerous group, including over 120,000 species. In general, the group is characterized by the marked development of the sporophyte, with great differentiation of its parts (root, stem, leaves, flowers, etc.) by the extreme reduction of the gametophyte; and by the development of seeds.’ (The free dictionary)

Division: Magnoliophyta- Flowering plants

Plants from this division have seeds with a shell like coating that surrounds them. They can be spread by animals, wind, or water in order to fertilize.

Class: Liliopsida-Monocotyledons

 These can be called monocots for short. They have characteristics such as one cotyledon (the embryonic leaf inside a seed bearing plant), veins usually in parallel, vascular tissue scattered, fibrous root system, pollen grains with one opening, and floral organs usually in multiples of three, these characteristics can also be seen in the Ladyslipper.

Order: Liliales

Containing 11 families, 67 genera, and 1,558 species of mostly perennial climbers and herbs, this order of flowering plants include many diverse taxa within the monocotyledons including Aloe. Members found in this order are important in the production or certain drugs, sources of food, and, of course, aesthetic garden plants.

                                            Family: Liliaceae- Lily family

As implied by its name, this family includes the lilies as well as tulips and our Autumn Crocus. They are characterized by being stalked flowers arranged singly on a long stem. They are typically radially symmetrical and in most cases possess 3 separated sepals (green petal like leaves that cup the base of the flower) as well as 6 stamen and 3 carples (a carple houses the stigma, style, and ovary).
Genus: Colchicum L. – colchicum

There are 108 genera in this family. The word colchicum refers to the dried corm (bulb) of the plant. It originated from ancient the Greek word kolkihkon ‘of Colchis’, which alludes to the skills of the sorceress Medea of Colchis had as a poisoner in mythological stories. These flowers are chiefly fall-bloomming perennial cormous herbs. This genus produce their foliage in the spring which then dies off over the summer and then in the fall the flower blooms. This genus contains up to 103 species, one of which is the Colchicum autumnale.

Species: Colchicum autumnale L. – autumn crocus

This species are purple in coloring sometimes with a bluish tint. When the flowers bloom the leaves are already gone, because of this they are commonly known as the naked ladies. Other common names are autumn crocus and meadow saffron. Although it is called a crocus, as seen above it is actually in the Lily family and therefore more closely related to lilies and tulips.

It is debated weather or not plants evolved from Ancestral Alga. Shared history and molecular traits such as chloroplast and nuclear small subunit rDNA have led many scientists to believe that plants came from algae. The chart bellow shows what it would look like if they did. Liverwort, Hornworts, and Mosses are non-vascular seedless plants. Lycophytes (club moss, spike moss, quillworts)and Pterophytes are vascular. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms are vascular seeded plants.

All things we know fall within the domains Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. We know that plants are eukaryotes because of membrane bound organelles. Many different Super-groups are found in the Eukaryotes one of which is the Archaeplasitda, the super-group that contains Land Plants (the Kingdom in which we find our little green friend). The possession of chloroplast and certain rDNA characteristics group plants here. ˇ

To learn where these plants grow see Habitat.

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