Contact Me

My name is Kim Marquardt and I was born and raised in West Bend, Wisconsin. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse majoring in biomedical sciences with a minor in chemistry. I plan to graduate in 2015 and continue on to graduate school to become a physician assistant.

School takes up a lot of my time, but in my free time I enjoy running, watching movies, or doing anything outdoors with friends. I am also a big sports fan, I love the Packers and the Brewers!

I am doing this webpage for my Organismal Biology course taught by Dr. Tom Volk and Dr. Greg Sandland. The theme for this semester's webpage was venomous and poisonous organisms. I chose rhubarb because I love when my mom and grandma make delicious desserts from it and my family has had a rhubarb plant in our yard my whole life. I also did not know much about rhubarb; in fact, I did not even know it was a poisonous organism, so I thought it would be interesting to research.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about my webpage please feel free to contact me at

If you would like to explore other interesting organisms just like mine, you can visit the Multiple Organisms website created by other Organismal Biology classes before me.

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