Bacillus cereus-Date destroyer

Jacob Salaba


Defending foodThe way in which we produce our offspring, gametic meiosis, is very different than how bacteria and Bacillus cereus reproduce. In fact it is much simpler. The male doesn't have to buy the female anything, there is no commitment between bacteria, and it's just plain simple. Well, to start off there is no male or female in bacteria, and do not even need a partner to reproduce!

Often Bacillus cereus undergoes reproduction by the means of asexual reproduction (offspring are produced from a single parent; no this does not marital status), more specifically binary fission. Binary fission is the asexual reproduction method used by all prokaryotes, it occurs when a single parent cell undergoes mitosis and produces two equally sized daughter cells. Both daughter cells produced have the potential to grow to the size of the parent cell. The down side of binary fission is that both daughter cells are genetically identical. sex pilus

In order for bacteria to evolve, there has to be a way in which genetic information is exchanged between individuals. In Bacillus cereus, this is accomplished by the process of conjugation and transduction. This is the bacterial equivalence to sex in eukaryotic species. This does not directly result in offspring being produced, but rather the transfer of genetic material coding for a characteristic displayed by the donor that the recipient does not have but would benefit from. The exchange is made possible by the presence of a sex pilus. Pictured right is the process of transferring genes from one individual to another using the sex pilus. To see a video further describing conjugation and transduction, click here.

Conditions for which Bacillus cereus reproduces are not very specific. It can produce in the sediment, food, or an infected host such as us. Though optimal conditions for growth are as follows: temperature between twenty-eight and thirty-five degrees Celsius, Ph range from 4.3 to 9.3, and oxygen must be present.

So here's a joke for you! A human, a chicken, and salmonella all sit down at    a  bar, the human asks says to the salmonella and chicken 'got Bacillus cereus?' It's funny because they all interact with Bacillus cereus! Okay, maybe it wasn't that hilarious, but check out what kind of interactions Bacillus cereus takes part in at the interactions page!
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