With over a 1,000 species of robber
flies in North America alone, most occupy a specific niche. The
most important adaptation of Promachus vertebratus is
it's ability to kill and capture prey that are more mobile,
or possibly even bigger than the fly itself. A good example of prey
that can be bigger than the robber fly are grasshoppers; there
have been recorded cases where the prey was simply too big and
Promachus vertebratus had to let it go (Bromley S. W.
This picture, of a male Promachus vertebratus in its
natural habitat can be found at
along with many other beautiful pictures.
The majority of this species of robber flies are summertime
hunters, with effortless capturing of prey, regardless of how
aggressive the robber fly is being. Again, the most important
adaptation of Promachus vertebratus is its ability to
purse and "out-fly" its prey because of their strong, superior
wings. Because they are typically larger than their prey, they
have ample strength
and force to bring their dinner down. They are dominant predators with
keen sense organs to locate and identify prey. When one
of these insects are around, all other flying insects must be
cautious, or will become dinner.
This species has a distinct coloring, to fit into its
habitat. The front and face are clothed with yellow hairs,
pollen, and bristles. The proboscis is typically shinning black,
like the antennae. Finally the thorax is yellowish with several
brown stripes divided by narrow grey/reddish lines running down
the ventral side. Finally, the abdomen is typically a grey hue,
with black stripes (Hines J. W. 1911).
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