
        The courtship between male and female Promachus vertebratus is typically minimal as the male simply attacks the female like it is prey. Copulation then begins with tail-to-tail contact, where the genitalia interlock. The male genitalia is black, while the female's is typically shiny black (Hines J. S. 1911). This new pair has no problem flying, if necessary, during this process; the male will usually tow the female along.

After fertilization, the female begins laying small, cream-colored eggs on grass or other plants, soil, bark, or wood. These eggs can be laid individually, but the vast majority are laid in masses, which are then covered with a soft, chalky-white material for preservation. The eggs have the ability to lay dormant in the winter as larvae, while pupating in the soil. Come spring, the pupae will rise to the surface of the soil just before the adult emerges, which leaves the pupal skin sticking out of the soil haphazardly (Mahr S. 2009).

Picture of a female Promachus vertebratus prior to copulation, taken from

In the end, the typical life cycle of Promachus vertebratus includes egg-larva-pupa-adult. The adult can be easily recognized by its distinct buzzing sound and predatory flying style.

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