by: Erin Schoenfuss

Test Your Knowledge

Now that you have read all the information you are an expert on tree swallows and you can test your knowledge.  I have put a few questions together to test what you know.  Make sure to tally the number of correct answers you achieve.  Each correct answer equals one point.  Each match of the extra credit is worth a point. By clicking each of the answers will display a little description and will tell you whether or not your answer was right.  All the answers are also found at the end as well. 
1). What is the scientific name of a Tree Swallow (Trying not to look at top)? 
                     a). Sialia sialis
                     b). Troglodytes aedon
                     c). Tachycineta bicolor
                     d). Progne subis
                     e). Passer domesticus

 2). Which of the following eggs are from a Tree Swallow.   



 3). What type of diet do Tree Swallows prefer during the spring and summer?
                      a). Seeds
                      b). Flying insects
                      c). Berries
                      d). Worms

4). What type of Tree Swallow is this:    


   a). Male
   b). Female
   c). Immature
   d). a + c
   e). b + c
   f). Can’t tell



 5). Where do Tree Swallows migrate during the winter?
                     a). Southern coasts of the United States, Mexico, and         

                          Central America
                     b). Northern areas of Australia
                     c). The southern countries of Africa
                     d). The south-western coasts of South America


 6). Tree Swallows will use what to make their nests?
                     a). Grass
                     b). Hay
                     c). Feathers
                     d). Paper scraps
                     e). All of the above

7). True or False.  Tree Swallows love to live in areas with a lot of surrounding trees.

8). What was the main reason for Tree Swallows to have the following characteristics: feathers, hollow bones, lack of a urinary bladder, reduced gonads during non-breeding season, toothless beak, strong clavicle, four chambered heart, and large brain?
                     a). Allows for perching after a long day of flying and migration.
                     b). Allows Tree Swallows to stay warm during a snowy winter.
                     c). Allows for an easier and more advanced ability to fly.
                     d). Allows Tree Swallows to hide from predators more easily.

9). Which group of organisms are competitive to Tree Swallows for nest  sites?
                     a). Hawks, snakes, raccoons, opossums, weasels, squirrels,

                          and blackbirds
                     b). Cardinals, Baltimore Orioles, and Ruby-throated

                     c). Yellow Finches, Purple Finches, and Robins
                     d). House Wrens, European Starlings, Bluebirds, and House



10). True or False: Tree Swallows are the lab mice of Ornithology.
Extra Credit: Match the eggs with their adult species.
 i).                                                 a).

ii).                                                    b).

 iii).                                                    c).


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Test Your Knowledge Answers

            1). C
            2). B
            3). B
            4). E
            5). A
            6). E
            7). False
            8). C
            9). D
            10). True

Extra Credit Answers:   A matches with ii (Wren),  B with i (Tree  Swallow),   C  with  iii (Bluebird)


Your score:                 10 – 13                        Tree Swallow Genius
                                    7 – 9                            Great Job!      
                                    4 – 6                            Nice Try
                                    0 – 3                            Hit the Books
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