
This page should help you to understand where Dendrobium officinale fits phylogenetically.

Eukaryota - Dendrobium officinale belongs in this Eukaryota because it contains a true nucleus

Plantae - Kingdom Plantae requires cell walls made of cellulose, multicellularity, and is autotrophic by photosynthesis.

               I created this phylogenetic tree based on the morphology of the plant kingdom.

Magnoliophyta - Magnoliophyta are flowering plants, angiosperms, in which the seed is enclosed in an ovary. This phylum also includes plants like poison ivy, Mistletoe, Hops, and Almond trees.

Liliopsida - Monocotyledones, in which the embryo has one cotyledon, with parallel veins in the leaves. More organisms that share these characteristics is the calla lily, barley, and sugar cane.

Orchidales - Dendrobium officinale belongs in this group because it has irregular flowers (orchids are considered irregular flowers), and has small seeds.

Orchidaceae - This is known as the orchid family, all orchids fall under this category, with unusual flowers, and can be perennial, terrestrial, or epiphytic (which is D. officinale). For a nice hometown reference the yellow ladyslipper orchid is also in this Family .Something you may not realize is vanilla is also an orchid too!.
Dendrobium -  This particular genus has cane like stems with separate flower clusters that attach at equal stem distances.

officinale -  This species is a rare, endangered perennial herb that is mainly found in tropical and subtropical areas of China. The flowers appear to have a grayish appearance and the flowers are about 3.5-4 cm.

            I created this taxonomic phylogenetic tree based on information from

To learn more about Dendrobium officinale, explore my Habitat page.

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