Chrysopelea paradisi- The Paradise Tree Snake

Silhouette of a Paradise Tree Snake I made in paint.


Asian American Faculty and Staff Association 2005. <URL> Accessed 20 March 2009.

Cox, M.J., P.P. van Dijk, J. Nabhitabhata and K. Thirakhupt. 1998. A Photographic Guide to snakes and other reptiles of peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Ralph Curtis Publishing, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.

Discover Life: Tree of Life 2009. <URL> Accessed 18 April 2009.

Ditmars, R. L. 1931. Snakes of the world. The Macmillan Company, New York, New York, USA.

Ecology Asia 2009. <URL> Accessed 20 March 2009.

Greene, H. W. 1997. Snakes: The evolution of mystery in nature. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles,         California, USA.

Paleos: The Trace of Life on Earth 2008. <URL> Accessed 15 March 2009.

Socha, J. 2002. Kinematics: Gliding flight in the paradise tree snake. Nature 418: 603-604

Socha, J. and M. LaBarbera. 2005. Effects of size and behavior on aerial performance of two species of flying snake         (Chrysopelea). Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 1835-1837



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