Amanita bisporigera "The Destroying Angel" - BIO203


Amanita bisporigera is typically found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and most commonly found in Europe and North America. Amanita bisprorigera typically produces fruiting bodies near the latter part of summer. This fungus is typically found within deciduous or coniferous woodland areas. This is because of the mycorrizhal relationships it often forms with trees. Amanita bisporigera  is typically found by itself with no other fruiting bodies or mushrooms accompanying them.

Amanita bisporigera is often a decomposer within the habitat it lives. Most of the nutrients are acquired by ingesting dead organic matter throughout the environment. This also plays an integral part in allowing for the growth of trees and other plants within the habitat. The exchange of nutrients between the fungus and plants is crucial to both of the organisms.  Also the fungi's ability to cycle nutrients from dead organic matter back into the soil is key. The trees most commonly found to form this relationship tend to differ depending on where you are in the world. Other organisms you may find within the same habitat as Amanita bisporigera may include but aren’t limited to: Coniferous trees, Deciduous trees, other species of Amanita fungi, mosses, and various animals.

Often when traveling through the woods you may come across these easily recognizable organisms like the  Earthworm, Eastern Grey Squirrel, and White-tailed deer. Woodland ecosystems are often a hotbed for fungi as well. Some common fungi you may find in the    
same habitat as Amanita bisporigera are the Oyster Mushroom, and Morel. Do not confuse this with the False Morel fungus because this organism happens to be poisonous!




 This is a picture of Amanita bisporigera living in a natural environment. Notice that the habitat seems to be woodland and the fruiting body is standing alone.


Continue to learn about the adaptation of this organism.

