Fun Facts
The slow loris is one of the rarest primates. Their closest relative is the African bushbabies.
Slow lorises may be slow, but they can travel around 8 kilometers in one night. That's a long distance for such a slow mammal!
Muscles on a Nycticebus species allow them to remain still for hours at a time.
The movement of a slow loris is snakelike. This is because a slow loris has more spinal vertebra than other primates.
The second finger on a slow loris is smaller than the rest for gripping purposes.
Out of all the primates, Nycticebus coucang has the longest tongue. This tongue is used to drink nectar.
The home range of a slow loris can be as large as 3200 square meters, about 2 square miles! They also can have as many as 60 different sleeping sites that they use!
In parts of Asia, the slow loris is believed to be able to cure over 100 diseases!
Compared to other nocturnal creatures, a slow loris has one of the slowest rates of development.
All Nycticebus species have a light reflecting layer in their eyes called tapetum lucidum. Animals like cats have this! Their eyes are the largest of all the other primates and are the most forward facing. A slow loris has the ability to see in close to complete darkness.
Video of a slow loris being tickled:
Cute video of a slow loris eating a rice ball:
Make a paper craft slow loris!!!!!
By downloading the pattern from
Park and following the instructions, you can make a cute slow
To see how this animal is different from all the other primates, see Venom!
Other organisms have a lot of cool characteristics, too! See these at!
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