

Nycticebus coucang is located in southeastern Asia, across India and the Philippines, and extends through parts of Indonesia. They can live in altitudes up to 1300 meters.  The slow loris can live in many types of vegetation from bamboo to suburban gardens. They live in evergreen forests and tropical rainforests, but they mainly live on the edges of these areas to find food easier. They usually live in secondary growth areas, but they can also be found in primary. In the tropical areas that they inhabit, they experience rainfall from 100-660 cm per year
with humidity around 80%.



Recently, there has been die off of Nycticebus coucang due to habitat destruction. There have been some conservation efforts though to help keep the slow loris population numbers high. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared that the slow loris populations are in danger of a dramatic decrease if action isn’t to be taken (not only from deforestation and losing their homes, but also from human related causes).  To read more about this, see human Interactions!

Brown=N. javanicus, N. menagensis, and N. coucang
   Blue=N. bengalensis                           
Red=N. pygmaeus                               

To see how this organism is adapted to the environment that it occupies, see Adaptation!

You can look at other organism locations at MultipleOrganisms.net!

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