
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Lorisidae
Genus: Nycticebus
Species: Nycticebus coucang

Following is a description on why Nycticebus coucang belongs to each taxonomic group:

Domain Eukarya
The slow loris belongs to this domain because its organelles are membrane-bound and their cells contain a nucleus with a nuclear envelope. Malaria is considered a eukaryote just like a slow loris!


All animals are multicellular, have the ability to move in some way, lack cell walls, and exhibit the gametic life cycle. Animals also are heterotrophic meaning that they have to ingest food to get energy.


Phylum Chordata
Members of the phylum chordata have a notochord, nerve cord,  pharyngeal pouches (gill slits), a postanal tail, and endostyle (thyroid gland) at some time in their life cycle. Chordates exhibit bilateral symmetry and have an endoskeleton for support. All have a complete digestive system and a closed circulatory system. Hagfish are considered chordates, just like a slow loris!

Class Mammalia
Mammals are all warm-blooded endothermic animals. They have mammary glands, a well developed brain, and have hair made of keratin. Mammals are known for being protective and taking good care of their young. The aquatic whale in the picture to the right is also a mammal!



Opposable thumbs is a main characteristic of primates. They also have nails (rather than claws) and are viviparous meaning they usually only have one offspring per litter. A gorilla, although much larger, is another example of a primate.




  Family Lorisidae
Members of this family are arboreal (live in the trees), use quadrupedal climbing, are slow moving, have small ears, and vestigial tails. The family Lemuridae is closely related to this family.




Genus Nycticebus
Nycticebus means "night monkey."
This genus includes slow lorises and pygmy lorises. All of the members of Nycticebus are venomous. The pygmaeous slow loris is considered by some to be a member of the coucang species, but there is still debate (see Venom). Most members of this genus are all commonly referred to as a slow loris.



There are five total known species of slow loris (if pygmaeous are considered to be a separate species).
Other species of slow loris include:           

N. bengalensis
N. javanicus
N. pygmaeus
N. menagensis


See Habitat next to know where you might potentially find a slow loris! 

Also, check out to see how other animals are classified!

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