As an angiosperm the Aquilegia Vulgaris produces
flowers and fruit.
Both interact with the environment. The main
symposia with the ©Abhialeen environment arewith various animals and is
classified as mutualism. They are
the mode of transportation for the pollen to spread and
fertilize other flowers. The main animals that are utilized by
Columbine are bees, humming birds, and butterflies. The nectar
in the plants are located at the bottom of the long spur. This
nectar is only accessible to organisms with long proboscises.
The toxic chemicals found on this plant interact with the
environment in a negative affect. The chemicals deter animals
from preying on the plant as a food source because it causes ill
side affects. Animals that are commonly deterred are insects
such as
black carpenter ants, rabbits, and deer. They do however
attract hummingbirds and Aquilegia Vulgaris makes a
lovely addition to a garden designed to attract humming birds.
As a plant with a root system Aquilegia Vulgaris has a
mutualistic relationship with mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza are fungi
that fuse into plant cells and assist in obtaining nutrients and
water for the plants. The fungus increases the surface area of
the roots allowing it to access more resources in the soil. The
fungi helps the plant obtain important nutrients such as
phosphorus and nitrogen while the fungi receives products of
photosynthesis in return. Read more about mycorrhiza in the
adaption page.
The plant Aquilegia Vulgaris and other species of the
plant were actually used by Native Americans in cooking, but
always in small amounts and never using the roots or the seeds.
Aquilegia Vulgaris is considered poisonous when eaten
in large amounts and has been known to cause heart palipations
and gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal
tract). This is caused by the cardiogenic toxins. The toxins are
various flavenoids but the main chemical that makes columbine
toxic is isocytisoside. There are also some alkaloids which are
known as well for their toxic properties.
Though the plant contains toxins, there have not been any
instances of mammal death due to the ingestion of Aquilegia
Vulgaris. Many cultures have actually used the plant as a
remedy for many different things ranging from lice to protection
of the liver.
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