
Phylum- Anthophyta
Order- Ranunculales
Family- Ranunculaceae
Genus- Aquilegia
Species- Aquilegia Vulgaris                                                                                                             © Ragesoss, Wikicommons

Eukarya- is one of the three domains of organisms. This classification includes many organisms, both single celled and multi-celled organisms. All Eukaryotic cells posses a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles. The Eukarya are considered the most complex of the three domains. This domain covers a wide variety of organisms including animals, plants, and fungi.

Plantae- Is a kingdom or organisms closely related to green algae and has 4 differences from the algae it derived from. They have alternation of generations are multi-cellular, walled spores are prodced in sporangia, multicellular gametangia, and apical meristems. A majority of organisms under this kingdom are autotrophic. Pretty much any plant that comes to mind falls under this kingdom. Some examples of organisms that fall under plantae are Ginger, Pomegranates, and Black Pepper.

Magnoliopsida- also known as a Diocotledon, which have two cotyledons, flower parts
 come in four or five, vascular bundles are in circles, has secondary growth, and reticulated leaf veins. They are often compared to monocots which mean they only have one cotyledon, flowering parts come in multiples of three, and have parallel leaf veins. Flowers lead to fruit so many common foods that you find on your table fall under this classification such as the papaya or the sweet orange. It also includes garden flowers such as the purple passion flower.
© Ulf Eliasson, Wikicommons

                                                                                                                        ©Elf, Wikicommons       

Ranunculales- an order of the magnoliopsida that belong to the phyletic group basal eudicots. This order is the most basal clade in this group and is commonly related to the buttercup. This order classifies seven other families. A example of an organism that falls under this order is the Curare.


©Wildfeuer, wikicommons

Ranunculaceae- usually have sepals in place of petals, have leaves that are heart shaped or undivided and narrow and nonwoody tissue. The flowers are often made up of 5 colorful sepals and come in many shapes.

                                                                                             ©Stan Schebs, Wikicommons

Aquilegia- is a genus that holds about 60 species and also known as columbine. The word’s Latin origin means eagle because the petals look like eagle claws. All of these plants are poisonous, do not be deceived by their bright colors or pretty design.

Aquilegia Vulgaris- This flowering plant is beautiful but deadly. Vulgaris means ordinary or common which is a good name because one of the common names of this plant is the common columbine. This plant is a herbaceous perennial plant and come in many different colors ranging from purple, pink, blue, and white.


The picture to the right shows where Aquilegia Vulgaris falls under the broad spectrum of eukaryotes. The picture is ranging from the largest classification to kingdoms. Columbine falls under the domain Eukaryote and the super group Archaeplastida. Land plants is circled in red and is closely related to the charaphyceans.
The plants are closely related to a green algae in the same super group.

The picture to the left shows where in relation to other plants Aquilegia Vulgaris falls. The organism is under Angiosperms and is closely related to the Gymnosperms.




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