
As a angiosperm the Aquilegia Vulgaris has flowering parts with both male and female parts (hermaphroditic) and in order to make seeds the female parts have to be pollinated by male parts. The male parts are called the stamen and the female parts are called the carpel.

Columbine utilizes other organisms to help pollinate other flowers, this process is called biotic pollination. The animals commonly used for Columbine have long proboscises because the nectar is all the way in the back of the long spur. Organisms with the capability to reach the nectar are bees, birds ( usually ©LadyofHats, Wikicommons                                                   humming birds), and butterflies.
Once the organism comes to retrieve the nectar from the spur they inadvertently rub against the stamen, collecting the male gametes for fertilization. From there the organism continues to other flowers and transporting the pollen to the carpel of different plants. Once the pollen lands on the carpel it rests on the stigma part of the plant ( the tip of the carpel). From there pollen tubes grow until they pierce the style of the carpel. From there the pollen grain migrates to the ovule where the female gametes are located.
The pollen grain joins together with the ovules and forms a embryo in a process called double fertilization. From there the flower proceeds to become a ovary for the seeds that were produced, also known as fruit. ©Flickr: Good morning!
Since Aquilegia Vulgaris is a perennial (lasts for more than two years), the flowers are hermaphroditic and are capable of self fertilization. The flower fertilizes the female parts with the male parts of the same flower to survive from one season to the next. This process is called vegetative reproduction.

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