
The Schizocosa mccooki interacts with many different species. Some common interactions are with other wolf spiders (Alopecosa kochi and Pardosa tuoba), humans. The interaction with the A. kochi wolf spider is a little different and maybe a tad bit unexpected. The A. kochi wolf spider lives mostly in the forested area, but sometimes finds its way to the where the meadow and the forest meet (Suttle, 2003). Common plants that the A. kochi spider lives along side with in the forests are the White Willow and Licorice Fern.  While the S. mccooki wolf spider’s habitat is in the meadow, where it interacts with plants such as the Jimson Weed, Stinging Nettles,and Dandelions, they sometimes make their way to the edge of the meadow near the forest where English Ivy maybe hiding the A. kochi. When these two spiders find eachother something you may not expect to happen happens. The S. mccooki attacks and viciously consumes the A. kochi spider (Suttle, 2003). There is one other wolf the P. tuoba who lives almost exclusively in the transitional area between the forest and the meadow (Suttle, 2003). And this wolf spider is the smallest wolf spider and is always killed and eaten by both the other two wolf spiders. So the S. mccooki wolf spider’s interactions with other wolf spiders is pretty violent, but how does it interact with humans? The S. mccooki is very aggressive toward humans as well, actually. If threatened or touched the spider will bite the attacker with long fangs. The bite is not lethal to humans, but it can be very painful! The bite can cause pain and irritation, the skin near the point of the bite may even turn black (Sharp, 2013). The S. mccooki wolf spider may be extremely aggressive toward insects, such as Deer Ticks, mosquitos, and the damselfly. The S. mccooki maybe the apex predator when it comes to other insects in its habitat, it is no match for larger predators such as the american bull frog. Although the S. mccooki tends to be a very solitary organism, interactions in the wild are essential for living whether it be for mating or nutritonal value.

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